USB Time Clock FAQ

Why app does not start ?

  • Google account is required by your device, to use the application.
    Please start the application again, after you add a Google account to the terminal.
  • You will need Google Play is running, to use the application.
    Please start the application again, Google Play after started.
  • The application may be operating by the registered account used in other terminals now.
Why need account registration ?

Your account is used to keep your purchase history, and employee configuration.
This for recovery data from accidental broken terminal.
Is it possible to install another terminal by registered account ?

When an application is installed and re-registered into another terminal by registered account, it becomes impossible to use an application at the terminal which was being used before.
What kind of data do you read from smart card ?

Manufacturer number only.
When the password for administrators has been forgotten ?

Press the "forget" button of the "Administrator Authorization" screen, and then press OK on the confirmation dialog.
E-mail will be send to your e-mail address which is set in the "eMail Transmission Settings" screen.
(If you do not have set up an e-mail address in the "eMail Transmission Settings" screen, it be sent to the your registered Google account.)
PIN code of the Zip file is displayed in the transmission completion dialog after sending an email.
This code is used to extract ZIP file which is attached to email.
Password will be found in the extracted "Password.txt" file.
How to authorize the administrator by smart card instead of password ?

You need to configure the administrator authorization smart card at "Administrator Smart Card Settings" screen. After the reading of the card after you have selected a line of pre-configured or not configured, then press the OK button.
How to open the password protected file which is attached at email?

Zip file protection password is administrator authorization password.
If you do not want to password protection, in the "eMail Transmission Settings" screen is set to OFF the check box of "Password Lock" and the password protection is eliminated.
Please use the decompression software,7-zip, etc. If you want to extract the files that are password-protected Windows7, Windows8.
How to change the Date-Line(new day start time)?

You need to configure the day edge at "Organization Settings" screen.
If you set up "03:00 - 26:59" then time will be record in same day from 03:00 to 26:59.
How to change or modify time records ?

Tap the time column at "Show Time Record" screen.
How to change or modify employee name ?

It is impossible to change employee name, It is for tamper-proof.
Why there is limitation count of employee smart card setting update?

It is for tamper-proof, but you can change three times.
How to delete employee entry ?

It is impossible to delete employee, but you can change to inaccessible state.
(This is for some countroy of the Labor Standards Act, or Labor unions laws and regulations.)
Can be used offline?

Since account registration is required for a first time start-up, it needs to be connected with the network.
Although offline can also be used after first time registration, in order to restore organization data and employee data at the time of reinstallation, it is connected with a network and it is necessary to register information into a server.
Can be use a card reader without driver software?

USB TimeClock recognizes the card reader without driver software.
Please check "Validated Contactless Smart Card Reader".
How to purchase registration token ?

Purchase items will be apper on screen when you try to register more then 5 persons.
Google Play information will be display when you select purchase item.
Please Follow the instruction of Google play.
You can register new employee after purchase complete successfully.
Do you need contact us ?

For support or other inquiries, please contact us at the following email address.
Important Notes

In the case of the terminal which cannot be charged if an OTG cable(USB On-The-Go) or USB device are connected,
please keep in mind that a battery may discharge fully if a card reader is kept connected.